How Anti-Vaxxers are Born
Because the injustice is so great—the grief so profound—silence is unacceptable.
With measles and a demand for MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) vaccine mandates back in the news, I need a minute and a bullhorn. It’s a bit of a sore spot for me. It was the MMR that set my feet on a painful course to medical freedom advocacy. Decades ago now, in the naïveté of my young motherhood, I never imagined that I’d have to take up the scarlet letter of ANTI-VAXXER. But here we are. They’ve given it to me whether I want it or not…
This is my “Anti-Vax” birth story. Truncated.
Every MMR vaccine in the US is abortion-tainted. There are no ethical options available. But it wasn’t always that way…
When I was a young mom, my husband and I were determined not to participate in the evil of abortion-derived childhood vaccines, even “remotely.” When we discovered that the MMR vaccine was produced using the DNA of an aborted child, it broke our hearts and turned our stomachs. We knew the Church’s clear teaching on the abuse, murder, trafficking, sale, and medicinal use of human beings, and we wanted to radically live the love of Christ in our family and protest the abuse of the most vulnerable.
So we studied the options open to us and learned that it was only the rubella component of the MMR which is created with fragmented fetal DNA. We were delighted to find that the single doses of the measles and mumps were available for purchase from Merck! Much relieved, we submitted a request to our Catholic physician for the single doses instead of the combined MMR.
Unfortunately, our Catholic pediatrician declined our request. After contacting Merck, he discovered that his small practice could not absorb the cost of the single doses which were only sold in bulk. Since there were no other families interested in this option, he’d have to discard the remaining doses. Not long after our request, Merck eliminated single dose options for purchase. The ethical option was closed even to the wealthy. The only other alternative we found was in Japan and the FDA had not approved it for U.S. distribution.
Why would they need to? There was no demand. Americans were content with Merck’s combination vax. Catholics consciences were pacified with the theological concept of “remote cooperation.”
We discussed our dilemma at length with the doctor. He was kind, respectful, and compassionate, and ultimately talked us into accepting the MMR for our children. Neither my husband nor I had concerns about the safety of vaccines. We never questioned efficacy. It came down to conscience versus maternal fear of disease. Though I know the doctor was a good man of deep faith, I know now that he was limited in his knowledge, and that I violated my own conscience under his persuasion.
As I said, we still had reservations about the morality of participation, but had no safety concerns at all. We trusted the doctor, the industry, the vials of mysterious liquid…
Until our child was injured by that MMR injection.
Encephalitis, seizure disorder, immune suppression. Medically verified. Our pediatrician was genuinely sorry for us, ordered the appropriate brain scans and such, and advised against future doses of the MMR. But he couldn’t fix the damage.
After the injury, we never again agreed to an abortion-tainted vax and our doctor didn’t argue. “You don’t need the chicken pox vaccine anyway,” he said. “It’s a vaccine of parental convenience not medical need.” That made it easier. But we knew that unless every Christian family was willing to become a David, that the pharmaceutical Goliath would become a house of horrors.
That is indeed what has happened. Is it any wonder that hardly a soul flinches at the human trafficking of the IVF industry? Cardinal Sarah’s warnings against the blitzkrieg of transhumanism are true and unambiguous; yet he is ignored as we betray that which is most profoundly human and God-breathed.
You can cheat death. You can eliminate all human suffering. You will surely not die… And you shall be like God.
Lies of the enemy.
I had time to dwell on these thoughts—in the dark and the deep— as I held the little person entrusted to my care. I was the proximate cause of injury, and as I wrapped the tiny seizing body in my own, night after night, there was a part of me that firmly associated the moral violation with the injury.
We cannot break God’s design, murder children, and inject their DNA into other children without spiritual and physical consequences.
It turns out I really wasn’t wrong. Vaccines with fragmented DNA have been found to have risks related to the specific and horrific violation of natural law. What was far more surprising to me however, was that the second time one of my kids was injured by a vaccine was with an ethically “clean” shot.
“It was a very rare reaction,” our pediatrician had stated about the MMR, and would not happen again. He was wrong…
Ten years later, our newborn was injured by the Hepatitis B vaccine.
The image of my OB’s face at the moment of the injection is emblazoned on my memory. “I don’t like that shot,” she said. “Too many babies are getting hurt.” And it was too late.
The injuries were different than the first time, but it was the same grief, anger, helplessness, and a new perspective on what it means for a vaccine to be “safe and effective.” When your kid is injured, you get ignored, gaslighted, ridiculed and talked over. Your memory, intelligence, and faithfulness are questioned. Nobody pays your medical bills or cares for your child. Nobody really gives a damn at all.
Then when you speak up on behalf of other injured families..
Against mandated bodily injections…
For safer and ethical options…
And for full informed consent…
You’re labeled an anti-vaxxer.
And your new life as a medical freedom advocate is born.
Because the injustice is so great—the grief so profound—that silence is unacceptable.
If you’re looking for a peaceful and private way to explore these topics on your own, I’ve collected some resources for you here:
Dear Parents: What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Vaccines
I’ve also written more about my experience as a mom dealing with vaccine injury in my family. Grief is complicated. Guilt is heavy. But there is light and hope.
A Mother’s Regret, Remorse, and Repentance: Bringing Fulton Sheen into the discussion of vaccine injury
In other news…
I have a new book growing underneath my keyboard. If we can somehow rise up out of the affliction of the never-ending viruses of the season and get a little sunshine, I’m hopeful that it will be published in 2025.
When my granddaughter visits, she has a little squishy light called Dodo Duck whose purpose is to accompany her to nighttime visits to the bathroom. I expected it to be practical and cute when I bought it, but I’m not ashamed to say that, on occasion, I use it, too. If you have a need for something in this category, I can recommend. Rechargeable and no harm done if it gets lost in the blankets.
Pre-orders are open for Stacy Transancos’ new book, IVF is Not the Way. This will be helpful and important in moving forward with difficult conversations on IVF. Most people don’t object to the practice and it has become widely accepted in the U.S. but we are obligated to object. We recall that IVF is a grave evil (and why), but also that the children are not. They are precious and beloved by God. And there are many many of them. Beautiful souls. Energetically oppose the practice that abuses and commoditizes people for profit and leaves many children abandoned or aborted. At the same time, be patient and kind with people.
Lent is coming this week. A reminder from last year about fasting, eating, and the sigh of God.
May the peace and love of Jesus Christ be with you now and always!
All content on The Wild Return is free to you. If you value what I share, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or donation. And feel free to explore a few of my favorite things. Thank you!
Found this posted on X by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, with a reply from the Health Ranger:
Dr Sherri Tenpenny
We've got to stop calling chicken pox and measles diseases, because they're not. They're infections, and infections come and go in a week to 10 days, and leave behind a lifetime of immunity. A disease is something that comes and stays, and frequently can't be cured. So when you vaccinate to avoid an infection, what you potentially are doing is causing a disease.
1:37 PM · Mar 1, 2025
Mar 1
Really excellent point, Sherri. They aren't "diseases" at all. And the media and Big Pharma are wildly, predictable, outrageously overreacting in order to SCARE people unnecessarily.
Thank you Melody. This is a heart-wrenching post, which I have shared .
I was speaking about IVF recently, and am glad to see info about it among your resources. I will buy it.
God bless