Dear Parents: What your doctor won't tell you about vaccines
Safe and Effective? A quiet space to consider informed consent
When I was a younger mom, I didn’t responsibly discern the question of vaccinating my babies. It simply never occurred to me to inquire further into the practice than to ask how much Tylenol I should give to ease baby’s discomfort post jab. It wasn’t until one of my kids suffered a serious vaccine injury (medically verified) that I was shaken enough to open the door a crack. I was shocked and scared but I still didn’t really question; only walked to the unsettling cliff edge of the beginning of questions and stopped there. We were told by our trusted pediatrician (a good man) that it was a freak incident. Rare. And that it wouldn’t happen again. But it did happen again, ten years later with a different vaccine and a different child. I’ve written a little about that grief and regret HERE. But my post today is not about me and my family… it’s for you.
Our children cannot give informed consent for the injections which will make changes (perhaps permanently) to their immune function. Your baby cannot examine potential benefits and weigh them against possible short and long term health risks. The toddler cannot decide if they want vaccine ingredients in their blood stream and organs. They cannot weigh in on the adjuvant/autism question. That giant burden falls to you.
The NIH defines Informed Consent as “the process in which a health care provider educates a patient about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention. The patient must be competent to make a voluntary decision about whether to undergo the procedure or intervention.”
Though many parents leave this discernment entirely to the judgement of their pediatrician, the uncomfortable reality is that almost no physicians receive training on the mechanism of vaccination or vaccine injury. Nurses receive only that much and less, only taught about the childhood schedule and how to overcome parental hesitancy. Continuing education is primarily via the white papers, medical journals, and marketing campaigns funded or created by the billion dollar for-profit vaccine industry which cannot be held liable for childhood injury from their products.
I am sharing a relatively short list of links below, not because I presume to know what is best for you and your loved ones, but because people I love and care for have been injured by vaccines. Many people I know personally have suffered similar injuries and often much worse than ours. I have met people who have received compensation from the government’s vaccine injury court, including a woman who had to bury her child. This is not fear-mongering, it is reality. Parents should know.
My own belief in the efficacy and safety of vaccines has been challenged and changed by these experiences and the research that I have done on behalf of those I love. I am compelled by justice. I speak because I can, for those who cannot. I’ve learned to ask questions…
Are there measurable benefits to vaccines?
If so, do they outweigh the risk?
How do we know?
What are the risks?
What does it mean to say vaccines are safety tested?
Who holds the companies accountable?
What happens if my child is injured?
Where do I find the package inserts?
Why would the CDC approve something that is unsafe?
What about polio?
Are vaccines tested for affects on fertility?
Do they contain carcinogens?
What about mercury injected into the bloodstream?
The blood serum of animals?
Can animal viruses can be transmitted?
What happens in the body when fragmented DNA of aborted babies are injected into my baby?
If vaccines are designed to stimulate immune response, can they cause autoimmunity?
The amount of public information available on vaccines is practically inexhaustible, and I have only included a few links below for your discernment. I have not included any links to mainstream medical, political, or media resources since those are abundantly available through internet and television, influenced by the billion dollar marketing budgets of the pharmaceutical industry. My experience over the last two decades is that the search engines have largely purged and redirected information for full informed consent. Even in the last 3 years, the amount of available material has shrunk substantially and the public perception directed specifically, and only, to government and industry sources.
The links I have provided below are more difficult to access because they contradict (in whole or part) the predominant narrative that vaccines are always “safe and effective” for you and your family. Organizations like Facebook, Google, and YouTube consider it “dangerous” to question current public health trends. But I don’t think you are dangerous for asking questions. I think you are capable of making good decisions.
Above all, I support your right to informed consent. To have access to all research even if it challenges the industry bottom line. To choose or refuse medical care for your family. To take your time discerning before allowing substances to be injected into yourself or your children. To space them, choose them selectively, delay them, or to follow the recommended schedule if you choose.
Every link here is just information that you can take or leave. You are capable of making informed decisions with intelligence and great love, and though I have preferences, I don’t judge those who choose differently from me as a result of their research, discussion, and prayerful consideration. Thank you for caring enough to ask unpopular questions and receive uncomfortable information. You have nothing to lose in the process. It is only a tyrannical mindset which considers it dangerous for the people to be fully informed about their bodies and their healthcare.
Open wide the doors! It’s a wild and woolly world… but your kids are worth the effort.
There’s a lot here for those just starting. Perhaps say a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit before clicking. Ask the Lord to guide your formation and open your mind and heart to what He wants you to see and to keep you grounded in wisdom and grace. God bless you.
Disclaimer: I don’t necessarily agree with every word and conclusion offered in these links. If I have included a link, it is because I have found information worthy of consideration, not because I want to build an echo chamber for my conclusions. We must be able to have the whole discussion for the sake of our children and all people.
Just the Inserts - For parental informed consent. Sources = CDC+ FDA + Manufacturer Inserts
Children of God for Life - Data-driven perspective with a mission to end the use of aborted children in research and promote ethical biomedical research and manufacturing
Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute - a mission to end human trafficking and exploitation for the purposes of biomedical research and commercial products
ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) - Investigating the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while educating the public of their right to “informed consent.”
OpenVAERS - VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data and allows browsing and searching of the reports.
Children’s Health Defense - believes in complete health freedom for parents. It should be the parent’s choice, and not the government’s, to decide what goes into the bodies of their children
National Vaccine Information Center - dedicated to preventing vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and securing informed consent protections in public health policies and laws
Physicians for Informed Consent - empowers the public with scientific information about infectious diseases and vaccines
The Highwire - Health and News Talk Show emphasizing informed consent and medical health freedom
The Vaccine Guide - An online resource for vaccine research, built to compile, organize, and highlight important information on vaccination. Includes all vaccine package inserts.
Veritas, Caritas, Libertas (Catholics for Medical Freedom) - religious/philosophical discussions on medical freedom
Note: Many of the links I had originally gathered in 2020 have been broken or deleted from mainstream channels. This is far from a comprehensive list but it suffices as simply a dip of the toes in the water.
Be Brave! Part 1: Is Vaccine Science Really Settled? - Video at the link is FB because it’s been removed from YouTube. Audio only is HERE. Transcript is HERE
Be Brave! Part 2: The Truth Behind the Vaccine Approval Processes - Audio and transcript
Be Brave! Part 3: Vaccine Safety Negligence - Audio is at the link. Transcript is HERE
A Shot in the Dark: Gardasil and HPV - Part one of the series by Candace Owens. More at a new Instagram account HERE.
Vaxxed the Movie - This movie (along with Vaxxed II) was pulled from multiple social media sites and Amazon but I found it free on Rumble.
Not an exhaustive list by any means. But I have read these from cover to cover and they are a good place to start for those who want to consider broader perspectives.
Over 4 Billion $ and counting in Vaccine Injury Payout per the HRSA since 1988
An Open Letter to Legislators Regarding Fetal Cell Line DNA in Vaccines
FDA Admits That Government Is Recommending Untested, Unlicensed Vaccines for Pregnant Women
VACCINE SAFETY: Introduction to Vaccine Safety Science & Policy in the United States
CHART: Covid-19 Vaccines and Treatments in Development - Updated Nov 19, 2020
STANLEY PLOTKINS is one of the most influential names in the history of American vaccines. In 2018, he was recorded giving 9 hours of deposition for a Michigan court. His testimony is important for the insight it gives into the practices, foundation, and soul of an industry which dominates children’s healthcare…
Video excerpt of Plotkin deposition (2 minutes) on experimentation on vulnerable populations
Video excerpt of Plotkin deposition (20 minutes) on the use of aborted children in vaccine development. This particular video is important in understanding the ethical perspective of the vaccine industry. At the end of the clip, Plotkin reveals that he is an atheist who considers those who question vaccines to be “religious zealots” and that there are no valid religious objections. Clips of this segment are continuously deleted from YouTube. (This video includes the previous clip on experimenting on the vulnerable) THIS VIDEO CLIP HAS BEEN REMOVED BY YOUTUBE but can be found within the full video.
Full Plotkin deposition (9 hours). Reddit will ask you if you are over 18 for mature content but it’s not salacious content. Also HERE on YouTube but they delete them when they find them so not sure how long it will be up.
Images for your consideration…
It’s a lot, I know. Yet there are so many topics that I’ve left untouched. Each link is a rabbit hole you can fall down for days, months… maybe a lifetime. I’ve spent over 20 years learning, starting before the advantages (and disadvantages) of the dynamic internet discussions. I encourage you to take a look even just a little at a time…
The body is the only vehicle we have with which to traverse this beautiful life and it is created intentionally by design. Is it really the intention of our good and magnanimous God for us to have the immune function of our babies bypassed, disabled, and hyper stimulated, and their bodies injected with the risky formulas of an unethical for-profit industry? Or is there something simpler—and yet also much more breathtakingly expansive—that our culture has encouraged us to forget?
My chronic illness and the injuries of my children have helped to form my answers to those questions. It is worth repeating that I do not desire to control your family or your healthcare… I simply don’t want to see you suffer as we have. I want you to thrive.
God bless your discernment. Be not afraid.
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