These are good things to keep in mind in helping our children discern and choose a spouse.

I know the author gave the proviso more than once in the article that the advice could apply to either sex, but clearly she has girls in mind particularly as a pressing matter, needing protection from male predators. I take issue with making this a particular need for girls (though to be sure our daughters are in great need of parents' aid in these matters). If we don't think our Catholic sons are just as vulnerable in their search for a good spouse, we are deceived. Physical safety is one thing, and the considerations for boys and girls in this aspect differ in pretty obvious ways. But spiritual danger is a great threat for our sons, no less than our girls, when matters of the heart are on the line with the opposite sex. Holy Scripture, particularly in the books of wisdom of the Old Testament, have very stern cautions for young men in relating to the opposite sex. The wisdom there warns young men that their ruin is imminent if they don't exercise caution. We seem to be blind to that wisdom today, and I'm not sure why.

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I wonder if there will be a similar article that is focused on helping Catholic women choose good men who are right in their midst.

There’s a lot of risk-aversion among some young Catholic women many of whom aren’t open to good and holy relationships aimed at marriage until *after* achieving their educational and career goals.

Some good reading here from a secular perspective - https://www.freyaindia.co.uk/p/risk-aversion-is-killing-romance

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