“Supernatural remorse leads to an abiding and salutary change of heart, whereas the world’s remorse leads to death.” So true! Thank you for this great writing , Melody! Hugs and prayers for you and all of us as we face this madness squarely, with God's help and Grace.

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Thanks so much, Kathleen! And amen.

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Oh thank you Melody, so true. I am so sorry that others have attacked you, especially in your grief. I too send you hugs and prayers. We are all suffering, and we should be patient with each other. I am thinking of the timely quote from Paul the 6th, “modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses…” When we tell our stories, others should listen, compassionately. They don’t have to make the same decisions we have made, but they should, allow us our stories. We lost a child to SIDS 18 years ago, and I know the train of regret, remorse and repentance too. 💗

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